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Below you will find our collection of fertility articles.

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Research-based Fertility Acupuncture That Works
A 2003 study proved that acupuncture increases in-vitro fertilization success rates nearly two-fold. Maybe you saw the October 2003 'Sex in the City' episode that talked about fertility acupuncture. It's true, there is now...
NaProTechnology: A Medical Breakthrough in Infertility Treatment
Copyright 2005 Majella.us NaProTechnology is a new reproductive science uses the physician's medical and surgical energies in a way that works cooperatively with a woman's natural reproductive function. Created at...
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Infertility
Although health and healing are the common goals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and allopathic medicine, their ideas on the etiology of disease, disease itself and the process used to regain health are decidedly...
Endometriosis - The Cause of Female Infertility
Endometriosis is a very serious female condition that is a cause of infertility. In cases that result in endometriosis, the endometrial tissue that is inside of the uterus grows outside and attaches to other organs, such...
Female Infertility
Infertility is a situation faced by many couples worldwide when they are unable to conceive. According to a survey in America, around 10% of couples bear the brunt of infertility. Usually when a couple is not able to...
Vitamin A: A Vital Ingredient for Your Natural Fertility
Fertility is tied to your health and nutrition in suprising ways. I'm sure you know that you need to be eating well to have peak fertility. But are there some nutrients that have a more powerful impact on...
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